Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Festive Brie en Croute

Brie en Croute.The name itself sounds foreign and complicated, when in reality, this party pleasing hors d'oeuvre is simple to make. I made one for a Christmas party and everyone seemed to enjoy it. There are many variations on this encapsulated entree. Since I was making this during the holidays, I decided to make a more festive version.

The Ingredients

Brie (15oz wheel, I have made this with an 8oz and it works fine, just adjust cooking time and use less filling)
2 frozen puff pastry sheets
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup chopped dried cranberries
1/2 cup brown sugar + 4 more Tablespoons
1 Tablespoons butter
1 egg

The Method
I know, I know...this is not exactly your healthy, lose-the-freshm
en-fifteen kind of dish. Trust me though, it's worth it. A note about puff pastry: I am usually a sucker for homemade everything and I am not a huge fan of processed foods but making homemade puff pastry takes longer than I have time for and the frozen stuff works pretty well. Puff pastry is made with hundreds of layers of dough and butter. When heated up, the steam from the butter makes the layers puff up.

Time to get cookin'. First thing to do is take out the puff pastry and let it thaw for about 20 minutes. This allows the dough to be roll-able and stretchy like all good dough should be. In the meantime, take a small pan and roast the nuts over medium heat, just until they start to turn brown and have a nutty aroma. Anytime I use nuts in a dish, I roast them. The roasting process multiplies the flavor by a thousand...ok maybe not that much but it does increase flavor. When the nuts are lightly brown, toss in the brown sugar and stir. The oil from the nuts with the heat will cause the sugar to carmelize. When the sugar is melted and has coated most of the nuts. Take the pan off the heat. DO NOT do any sampling here because the sugar is hot, really hot.

Lay the brie on the puff pastry to get a good idea for size. Take the brie off and with a knife, Scrape off the white coating off the brie; it's edible but it doesn't melt too well in the oven. Lay the nuts, dried cranberries, and 2 tablespoons brown sugar on the bottom. Place the brie on top, then do the same treatment on the top, only this time dot the top with butter. Wrap the brie with the puff pastry and seal well by pinch or taking pieces of the other sheet. This step is important because it prevents geysers of liquid brie from escaping.

Now comes the fun part: decorating the top. Take small pieces of dough from the other sheet and place them on top. You can use small cookie cutters, cut long strips, cut out ribbons, creative. remember that the dough with puff vertically so don't ball the dough up and roll it out again,it won't rise. Once the decorated brie is complete, brush with eggwa
sh (egg plus 1 tablespoon milk or water) to help the final product brown.

Place in an 425 degree oven for about 25-30 minutes or until brown (about 17-20 minutes for the 8 oz). I use a high oven because I do not like my brie in liquid form. I like it slightly melty, perfect for spreading.

Serve the brie on a plate with apples and sliced sweet baguettes.


  1. I have been looking for a recipe like this for a very long time!!! Thank you, chef, for posting such a great dish. It looks so gourmet and I know it tastes amazing. Thanks! I will try it!

  2. This looks really good! I have a broiled salmon recipe from you that's excellent- you should post that at some point! :D

  3. First of all, that looks amazing. I actually have brie in my fridge right now but I wouldn't dare try to make this in my crappy sixth college oven haha.
    Second, I am so excited/impressed that you started a blog about your recipes. Cooking/ baking is my favorite method of destressing (and I also just love eating).
